
April 24, 2020

This week’s message is here to inspire you to follow your calling, follow your dream. This is your life. You are the director of

Self-Care in Real Time

April 18, 2019

This post is a gentle reminder to be easy with yourself, to be kind with yourself, to be compassionate, to be understanding, to hold sp

Tips and Tools to help you in following your dream + Meditation

April 9, 2019

Following my dream is a lot of fun and also a lot of trial and learning.  Yes, learning. Little by little I am doing it.  One phone c

I say that with even more conviction than before as I see it with my baby boy, Sebastian, he’s new to the world! However we are all human and life happens. So I am here to teach you skills, tools, and techniques to help you return to peace. To give it to you straight – peace is in this very moment. The present. Here is the thing, feeling inner peace is not dependent on where you came from,a job title, relationship status, weight, grades, or how many likes on social media.

Peace is in this very moment.
The present.


Feeling inner peace as a mom can be hard. At times rock solid hard, I say this as a mom and as someone who taught meditation for years to children and adults. Inner peace is attainable, we just need to work at it. It is practice. A practice that we must make a priority to help raise our babies to know peace from the inside out. Together we can raise the next generation of future leaders to be compassionate, brave, responsible, kind, conscious, fair, respectful, and to be confident, happy, peaceful adults. Moms, lets learn how to practice rock solid peace and be powerful peaceful role models to all those around us, especially our babies. Peaceful parenting. Positive parenting. Let’s raise children to know how to access rock solid peace.

Peace is powerful. Peace is sexy.
Peace is happiness.

MY MISSION:  To share my tips, tools, and journey as a mama, wife, meditation teacher, school teacher, human being,  to inspire you to feel more confident, happy, and peaceful. To inspire you to practice self-care every. single. day. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat as needed.